Hinduism is an Atheism and a theism at the same time Little see How?

Hinduism is an Atheism and a theism at the same time Little see How?

"Long story but little shortly"

Brahmand (universe)  consists of four things
1. Param atma (Energy) 
2. Param tatva (Matter) 
3. Maha kal (Time ) 
4. Kal (Black space) 
   Today modern Science says Space and Time are not different they are different attribute of one thing and Hindus use one word as "Kal"

1. Param Atma
2. Param tatva 
Both are Param (Supreme) 
Hence equal 
Atma = Tatva
Energy = Matter 
E = M
E = MC^2 (After Solar formation) 
Both can not be created nor destroyed only translated ( or incarnated) into another form (or body )Both are Trinity 

--Energy has trinity aspect 
1. Creation +ve 
2. Preservaton =
3. Destruction -ve
--Matter has trinity aspect 
1. Proton +ve
2. Neutron =
3. Electron -ve 
Hindus personified it as
Brahma +ve
Vishnu =
Shiva -ve

Since Energy and matter are two types of worship 
1. Meditation (Yog-atma se param atma ) 
2. Idol worshipping (Param tatva) 

Shivling is Syambhu (self created) out of the Consiousness.It's like We sleep and see dreams when we lost in Consiousness 
Same Consiousness is the reason of the creation of the Universe 
In Vedas 
It's written
Worship both
1. Sambhuti (Matter) 
2. Asambhuti (Energy) 
Otherwise you will go into darkness 

While we only worship Param tatva (Matter)  not Param atma (Energy) 
Do Meditation for 1 hour every day
All sages did meditation,  Ravan did meditation,  bhudda did Meditation to empower themselves.

2) Idol Worshipping :
       Shivling is the source of creation as well as destruction 

Shivling (0)has  two type of functions :
Two types of worship 
1. Creation (0) 
2. Destruction (0) 

1. Creation (0)
Pouring water on Shivling and placing shivling near water bodies symbol of cooling down it's energies so that it wont bang

2.Destruction (0)
 Bhasm Arti - raining down of human ashes on shivling shows destruction of human
   Vishnu the personification of preservative aspect of the Universe energy 
Or Simple words
Vishnu the preserver 
1st avatar of Vishnu was Fish 🐠 
2nd Avatar of Vishnu was Turtle 🐢 
Now in last 150 years 
Science says the same how life evolved and preservered on Earth 
Param atma + Param tatva + Maha kal + Kal = Universe (Brahm or Brahmand) 

The highest manifestion of Brahm is Para Brahm i.e..(Multi Universe)
