Why Lord Rama is Blue in Colour ????

Blue is the color of the infinite. All Hindu gods are an attempt by the human mind to give form to the formless Brahman (God).
The color blues symbolizes immeasurable and all pervading realityformless BrahmanThe blue color thus teaches us that what appears as Lord Vishnu, Lord Ram, Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva is the all pervading reality.

Wherever there is the union of purity and depth it produces blue color. The water of the seas and the sky are seen to be blue. Hence, the color blue is also called aasmani or sky color.Lord Rama are considered to be human avatars of Vishnu, who was a blue skinned God and hence Rama is considered to be blue skinned, Meghavarnam Shubhaangam or Kekee Kanthaabhneelam. Since God combines both purity and depth or boundlessness, thus, God too is blue.

In cosmos blue or dark blue is the color of darkness which means truth. The theory of the blue colour of Lord Ram goes to the fact that the Creator has given the maximum of blue to nature i.e. the sky, the oceans, the rivers and lakes. The deity who has the qualities of bravery, manliness, determination, the ability to deal with difficult situations, of stable mind and depth of character is represented as blue colored.
Lord Ram spent his life protecting Dharma and destroying evil, hence he is blue in colour.

Brahman (the Supreme Reality) takes a particular form to satisfy the human mind. Thus blue is considered the most neutral of all the colors. For this reason, the incarnations of Shri Vishnu, Shri Krishna, Shri Rama are shown with blue skin color. In Sanatan Dharm, people who have the depth of character and the capacity to fight evil are depicted as blue-skinned.

While searching on internet below lines got Swami Chinmayananda talking on the subject says that whatever is immeasurable can appear to the mortal eye only as blue; thus the cloudless summer sky is blue to us because the endless distance of space is interpreted by the physical eye as blue in color.
