War Between Lord Shiva and Arrogant Sages at Thillai Natarajar Temple,Chidambaram,Tamil Nadu.

Thillai Natarajar temple 
(Lord Shiva in Cosmic Dance) in Chidambaram of Tamil Nadu, India.
Tandava of Lord Shiva in Chidambaran :
Arrogant Rishis :- 
In the Thillai forests near Chidambaram resided a group of arrogant saints or 'rishis' who believed in the supremacy of magic and that God can be controlled by rituals and 'mantras' or magical words.
Bhagwan Shiva as a Bhikshatanar :-
 The Bhagwan Shiva strolls in the forest with resplendent beauty and brilliance, assuming the form of 'Pitchatanadar', a simple mendicant seeking alms. He is followed by his Grace and consort who is Bhagwan Vishnu as Mohini. The rishis and their wives are enchanted by the brilliance and the beauty of the handsome mendicant and his consort.

War of Lord Shiva & Arrogant sages :-
 On seeing their womenfolk enchanted, the rishis get enraged and invoke scores of 'serpents' ( Nāga) by performing magical rituals. The Lord Shiva as the mendicant lifts the serpents and dons them as ornaments on his matted locks, neck and waist. Further enraged, the rishis invoke a fierce tiger, which the Lord Shiva skins and dons as a shawl around his waist. Thoroughly frustrated, the rishis gather all their spiritual strength and invoke a powerful demon Muyalakan - a symbol of complete arrogance and ignorance. The Bhagwan Shiva wearing a gentle smile, steps on the demon's back, immobilizes him and performs the Ánanda Tandava (the dance of eternal bliss) and discloses his true form.

Surrender of Rishis :- 
The rishis surrender, realizing that this Shiva is the truth and he is beyond magic and rituals.
