Who is the one ?? Who is under the Feet of LORD SHIVA in Nataraja Murthy avathar....

NATARAJAR depiction of the Hindu god Shiva as the divine cosmic dancer. His dance is called the tandava.

     A demon depicted as a dwarf is seen beneath Lord Shiva's feet in the Nataraja Murti. This demon, also known as Apasmara or Muyalaka, represents spiritual ignorance.

  Apasmara was a demon who stood for forgetfulness and epilepsy in Hindu mythology. He was given a curse by Brahma, who said he would always be a dwarf and that if he died, all knowledge would be lost. Shiva, the god of dance and theatrics, crushes Apasmara in order to counteract his impact and keep the universe in balance which symbolises human evil,greed and ignorance....Hence the significance in Idols of The Lord Nataraja.

Shivas sacred dance is to gain victory over evil 
