Do you Know ???? Center Point of the world - Where Heaven Meets 🌎 Earth

Mount Kailash is said to be believed
Center Point of the world,
World tree,
World Pillar,
Cosmic axis,
World Axis.
It is the point where heaven meets earth. The Google Maps vouch for the validity of this fact......
Mt. Kailash is a 6,638 m high peak in Kailash Range. While thousands of people have scaled the tallest Mt. Everest, n human has ever been able to scale Mt. Kailash.
Mt. Kailash is one of the holiest places on Earth
1.Hindus believe that it is an adobe of Lord Shiva
2.Buddhists call it Kang Rinpoche.
3.Jains call it Astapada and 
4.Bao call it Tise
The Chinese authorities, knowing the religious sensitivity of the matter, have officially banned alpinists from attempting a climb.
