A Little Story Behind why can we only see the Lord Sri Krishna in Udupi from Navagraha kindi ???

Sri Madhvacharya constructed this Navagraha Kindi ( a small window ) in his time as our beloved Udupi Sri Krishna is made by Devathas architect- Vishwakarma at Sri Krishna's request for mata Rukmini Devi as Rukimini mata has desire to seen lord krishna in child form as she couldn't enjoy his childhood.She worshipped it till Dwarka was submerged by the sea,then idol went inside Gopi chandana ( Big lump of clay).

Click Here to read Story How Lord Krishna Idol reached Udupi: click here

Lord Sri Krishna Seen through Kindi

  • From dwaraka Krishna (who is sarvottama)came to Udupi for Shri madhvacharya(who is jeevottama,god vayu,incarnated as hanuma-bheema-madhva, )he is intermediary between Vishnu and Dvaita devotees, guiding the latter in their journey towards Vishnu.
  • As told by Sri Madhvacharya, in his Tantrasara Sangraha, the Vigraha is placed Pashchimabhimukha (facing west).
  • This Krishna is made by none other than Vishvakarma (divine architect of the devas).
  • It is worshipped by Rukminee devi during dwapara yuga.
  • It is worshipped by Shree Madhvacharya and later continued by his disciples.
  • No one is allowed to touch the diety except eight matha sanyasi.
  • The newly inherited swamiji need to perform chaturmaasya vrata before worshipping krishna.

In order to protect the divinity of the idol,we can't go inside the garbhagriha and we can only see the lord from Navagraha kindi.
