How Saint Madhavachary got Sri Krishna Idol which is now worshipped at Udupi Temple ??

To satisfy his mother Devaki’s desire to relive his childhood, Krishna had an idol sculpted out of Saligrama stone by Vishwakarma, the divine architect. This idol was later given to Rukmini. 
After Krishna’s time, the idol got buried in a part of an erstwhile portion of Dwarka. The soil of Dwarka which encapsulated the form/ idol (Vigraha) is called Gopichandan (Gopi refers to light brown while chandan is a sandalwood-like paste).
A sailor found this heavy piece of sand and used it as ballast for his boat. While sailing near Udupi, he was caught in a storm and rescued by saint Madhvacharya.On seeing the idol, the saint requested for it and installed it in Udupi.
A Little Story Behind why can we only see the Lord Sri Krishna in Udupi from Navagraha kindi ???Click Here
