Muslim Princess who Fell in Love😍😍with Lord Sriranganathar and Married Him

Tulukka Nachiyar: 
"The Muslim Princess, Who fell in Love with Sriranganathar and became the Divine Consort of Lord Ranganatha".
She is worshipped and has sanctum as
Tulukka Nachiyar in Srirangam.
Bibi Nanchariamma in Tirumala

At the Ranganathaswamy temple in Srirangam, a small sannidhi stands almost unnoticed in the corridor bordering the sanctum houses Thulukka Nachiyar. 
At Tirumala,Bibi nancharamma,Muslim
devotee, has given status of Lord's wife,even Bronze statue is present inside the temple of Tirumala.

How she Married Lord ?
Malik Kafur, commander in chief of Alauddin Khalji invaded South India,(during 1310-1311) captured and the riches were looted from many South Indian temples.They took off the statue of Alagiyamanavalar Perumal and plundered the treasures, jewels and ornaments which belonged to Srirangam temple. 

 In Srirangam temple, the presiding deity, Ranganatha, receives a daily offering of rotis, sweet with a heady scent of  ghee and made with wheat (in contrast to the orthodox rice meal) and even wears colored lungis (not the white cloth worn by Hindus) to please a Muslim Princess.The statue of Alagiyamanavalar Perumal was sent to Delhi. 

The daughter of Delhi Sultan, was much attracted by the beauty of Azhagiya Manavalar, that she became inseparable from him. She never left Perumal even a moment. The Sultan didn't expect this.When Ramanujar, the Vaishnavite saint, went to retrieve the Deity and the Princess wouldn't part with it. The Sultan happily surrendered back the statue of Alagiyamanavalar Perumal back to Guru Ramanujar. The Daughter of Sultan could not bear this. Ultimately She followed it back to Srirangam. She can’t find the idol as elders hidden away from Srirangam to protect him. Later she died in sorrow with memories of Azhagiya Manavalar. At Srirangam, she is worshipped as Thulukka Nachiyar.
