The Most Powerful Demons in Hindu Mythology

Here we go.....

1. Jalandhara :
Jalandhara - Demon Son of Lord Shiva

The most powerful demon ever, didn't depend on any boon according to Shiva and Linga Purana, defeated Kartikeya, Ganesha, Nandi, and Veerabhadra in a group attack defeated Vishnu without boon according to Linga Purana also overpowered Shiva for some time while vulnerable according to Padma Purana.The most fearsome demon ever ,he will crush every demon in seconds.

2. Mahishasura :
A strong asura who according
to skanda purana Buffalo rogue who conquered a Universe defeating every single entity in it including The Trinity Brahma ,Vishnu and Shiva.
Lord Durga battle with Mahishasura 

3.Madhu and Kaitabha :
Born from Vishnu and Stole the Vedas From Brahma.
 Vishnu fought with them for 5000 years and Finally used his Wits to trick the demons and Kill them.
Lord Vishnu Handover vedas to Lord Brahma in varha avatar 

Great asura who was powerful without any boon, fought for 1000 years against Vishnu's Varaha avatar

Strong Asura who had a boon that only son of Shiva can kill him overpowered kartikeya while vulnerable in his final battle.

6.Bhandasura :
Posessed several Unique Celestial weapons including Mahasurastra (containing spirits of Terrible demons like Raktabeeja, Madhu, Kaitabha, Mahishasura,Shumbha and Nishumbha) ,he also created crores of Hirnayakashipus and Kartavirya Arjunas against the battle with Tripurasundari

7.Tarakaksha, Kamalaksha , Vidyunmali :
Tarakaksha, Kamalaksha , Vidyunmali were sons Demon Trakasura. 
All Deities combined their energies inorder to completely destroy these 3 brothers. Vishnu as the arrow , 
Brahma as Charioteer, 
Shiva as The warrior ,
all deities played a Role in this Maanificent event

8.Shurapadman, Tharakasuran, Simhamukhan:
All other demons were Limited to a single universe These 3 brothers conquered 1008
Brahmandas(Universes). Which would Make Other demons look like infants in front of them.
