Why do politicians afraid of visiting the Brihadiswarar Temple "BIG TEMPLE " in Thanjavur From Main Entrance ?

Emperor Rajaraja built the ‘Big temple' or Brihadeeswara temple at Tanjore, dedicated to Lord Shiva, it took 7 years to build this architectural marvel. Coincidentally, the temple's consecration also marked Emperor Rajaraja's 25 years completion of his golden rule from the Chola throne.

Karuvoorar, guru to Rajaraja, was also a Yogi and well versed in many aspects including occultism. While the ‘Big temple's’ construction was in progress, invariably Karuvoorar, presented himself to help design the blue print, and also offered technical assistance. Karuvoorar was also a disciple of Sri. Bogar and had learnt various things from him.
Imperial Chola Emperor, Rajaraja Cholan with his guru Karuvoorar.

At one point, there arose a conflict between Rajaraja and Karuvoorar, which forced Karuvoorar to dissociate himself from Rajaraja completely. In Karuvoorar's contention the mantras and inscriptions were to be in Tamil, while Rajaraja wanted worship and chants to be in Sanskrit. Rajaraja didn’t budge even an inch to his guru's wish.

Karuvoorar became furious with Rajaraja's audacity and curses whoever in power trying to offer worship to Lord Brihadeeswara(Presiding deity) will lose the kingdom as well as his life. This curse was specifically meant for Rajaraja Cholan, who never attempted to offer worship or enter the temple through the main entrance. Sadly, Rajaraja committed suicide from one of the towers in the Big temple. It is to be taken of note that both Tamil and Sanskrit were given equal importance while chanting hymns in praise of Lord Brihadeeshwara.
Indira Gandhi, PM of India was assassinated, barely within a month after visiting the ‘Big temple”, MGR had to leave India for treatment.

For centuries, none of the Royalty or people in power attempted to enter the Big temple fearing the curse. In 1984, during the first week of October, Prime Minister of India Smt. Indira Gandhi and Chief Minister of Tamilnadu, MGR, both came together to garland Rajaraja Chola's statue as the year marked 1000th year for Rajaraja’s ascend to the Chola throne.
Indira Gandhi was assassinated within the same month, while MGR became bedridden and had to be taken to United States for treatment. Exactly, as Karuvoorar had cursed Indira Gandhi was dead, while MGR had to go out of India for Renal failure, which was equal to losing power.
When mindsets of most people are preoccupied with superstitions, it is no wonder, people especially politicians in power dreaded venturing inside the Big temple. Even in the year 2010, the then Tamilnadu Chief minister M. Karunanidhi entered the temple through the side doors. We can safely conclude Karoorar's curse will hold politicians at sway for at least few centuries more.
