How Lucky was Goddess Parvati Devi to have Consort like Lord Shiva

I like 3 primary things about Lord Shiva
1. His quality of forgiveness
2. His love for Goddess Parvati Devi
3. Righteous rage
When Goddess Parvati Devi in her previous life as Mata Sati she burnt herself in her anger when her father Daksha Prajapati insulted lord Shiva. She could not bear her husband’s insult and burnt herself. Lord Shiva’s anger was so much that he destroyed Daksha Prajapati but still he was kind enough to restore Daksha’s head back. This shows the importance of forgiveness. Even after punishing Daksha, when he realized his mistake he restored his life back. He carried Sati’s lifeless body for days and days. His pain was so much that the world started having an imbalance. Losing Sati was like losing himself from his own self.This is the kind of love every husband should have towards his wife. If someone has insulted his wife, the husband should leave no stone unturned to cause complete and absolute destruction of that person. 
A person’s wife is not his property. 
A person’s wife is his respect.
It is his Shakti. 
It is him. 
No man can ever be like Parama Guru Bhagwan Shankar or Param Purusha Shri Rama but atleast we can try to be like them. 
Consider your wife indifferent from yourself. Treat her with absolute respect. Let not any danger touch her.
