Story Behind the name Kudanthai - At Present well know as Kumbakonam _A Famous Temple City in India..

 Kumbakonam is Beautiful Temple city bounded by two rivers
Kaveri ( Cavery) River in the north and Arasalar River in the south. Kumbakonam is known as a "Temple town" due to the prevalence of a number of temples here and is noted for its Mahamaham festival, which happens once in 12 years, attracting people from all over the country.
Kudanthai - Present Kumbakonam:
 This Kumbakonam in ancient days is Called or Known as Kudanthai in the Flowing of time it Spelled as Present day Kumbakonam (Coommbaconum during British Period)
In Shortly Kumbakonam - Pots Corner...
In the history of devotional literature this Kudanthai has
been named as Kudamookku.
Kumbam is a pot and 
Konam is Nose...
Story Behind Why did these place name as Kudanthai:
Anxiety of Lord Bhrama Pralaya movement approached fast. Each and eyeryone in the prabancham ( world) that too very particular in land has to go down in the sea water. 
Once this is happened the time Lord Brahma will not have any work to create and dominate. The gift of Shristi Beejam will be destroyed from existence. He prayed the Almighty ( Lord Shiva) in this Matter. When the world and the living being swallowed by the sea in the Pralaya. what can I do in my creation work "Please guide me". He also prayed for protecting the Shristi Beejam alive for creative work.
The Lord Siva appeared before him and instructed him to carry out his suggestion in the interest of the creation and world alive". 
Lord Brahma listen very carefully and Lord Shiva Said like these :
First create a mud pot from the sand of the land Then after attaining the full shape of the pot put Amutham inside in it. Place the Shursti Beejam and Spread over on the four sides the pot 
Vedha Aagamam,
Puranam, and
 lthikasam and at the top of the pot place mango leaves and the coconut in straight to the Kumba place and tie Dharbai with the saced thread and  Place the Kumbam pot in the house and Perform archanai with Vilva leaves and place it in the sacred Uri. Amutham can also be sprayed on the Kumba pot. Perform Archana by Vilvam regular.
 In a few rays rain will pour heavily.The flow of water will rise several feet from the sea level and will swallow everything to see finished. At the time, the flood will carry out the kumba pot in the south direction and will place it at a sacred place.Many miracle will come out from that day. In the opportune time, the self, almighty greatest of greatest Lord Shiva will appear in the pot and do all the need to Lord Brahma and there is no need worry for you in this Matter.
As advised by the Almighty greatest of greatest Lord Shiva, Lord Brahma deva began to act accordingly to the best in spirit and dedication and Successfully created a pot with Kumbam with Mango leaves on it and performed Archana with Vilva leaves and placed it in the Uri.
PRALAYAM- the deadly end of the universe
Heavy flow of waters all around the land created heavy sound and fury. The speed of the wind is beyond of all measurement. The entire structure of the land, trees
buildings and all others existing pulled down by the wind and has gone deep in the water. The pot placed by Lord Brahma Deva just began set out for it to stay Without any damage to the sacred pot. The flood carrying the same to the place where to stay in the south direction. Flood after swallowing all the living slowly receeded.The sacred Kumba pot that was moving in the east sea to a long distance towards west, remains stand still Immediately. The garland of mango leaves and Dharba leaves fell down parting the pot.In the place where the Mango leaves fell down, a Vanni Tree suddenly appeared. In the foot of the tree The Dharba fell down in the land has taken a shape of Siva
The pot then went away in the flood water as it work has been Completed.
The Dharba Lingam after gettting the shape just moved in the west direction and in the North west the lingam stayed intact. Devas poured flowers on the Lingam.There was a sound in the sky saying that this is the best place for the Linga.
 Lord Brahma Deva also happy to hear the divine sound. The Uri that has been kept for the sacred pot became a Linga in the east and the coconut that the been put up for Kumba becomes coconut tree in the South east direction and infront of Coconut tree lingam has been appeared.
tree a lingam has been vilva appeared. These lingam is called as Nrikala lingam.The three vilva leaves also become vilva trees in and around this sacred place.In the foot of this Vilva tree Pathala Lingam appeared.The Sacred Thread that has been placed on the Kumba also appread as Linga.All the sacred things of the Kumba Pot has taken as Shape of Lingas in different directions.
After greatest of greatest Lord Shiva Hit the Kumba Pot with Arrow the Kumba broke in Pieces..The things in and on Kumba like vilva,Coconut,Sacred thread ( Uri),Place where it kept become Sacred Temples today..Click the below link to read the different lingas click Here
After the Pralayam these Lingas were appeared as per the directions of the  Lord Shiva with the divine help of Lord Brahma Appearance of he City
Lord Siva came down from HIMALAYA hills to see the Kumba. He is able to knew that the sacred Kumba is in the west of  Thiruvidaimarudhur, with Amudham. Lord
Siva wished to spread the Amudham all over the area. He immediately taken his bow and send an arrow to the pot.This place is called as Panapuram.The arrow hit straight the pot. The force of the arrow opened the mouth of the pot and the nose of it, Amudham fell at a distance far away from Thiruvidai Maruthur And the place it fell down has been called as Kudavayil. In that place all in a sudden Sivalingam appeared in the spot. This Lingam is name as Konaser.The Amudham from the pot came out from it nose. It has been spread over very fast in divine speed. Since Amuthum, came out from the pot in KudaMooku, this place is called as Kudamookku.
Lord Siva appeard in the divine place made up of the sand and from the Amudham, as lingam and began worship it daily. Lord himself inherited as a force in the Sivalingam which is called as Aadhikumbaser. Even before the Lord Brahma has been created this pot is created and god within it created the world before and after as Aadhi Kumbesar.  
Since it came from the Kumba the name of the Linga has been called as Amutha Kumbesar.He is also called as Aadhi Kumbesar as well as Amutha Kumbeswar
