What is the Rod Present infront of Every Temple ???

In all the temples we have a pillar in front of the Garbhagraham or Moolasthanam which is known as Dwajasthambam or Kodimaram.
In Sanskrit, the word
 Dwaja means ‘Flag’ that raises high. 

In the religious sense, whatever raises a man to a higher level of understanding and activity is a ‘Dwaja.’ The Dwajasthamba is considered as the symbol of hope and desire to overcome one’s ignorance.
Dwajasthambam is an indication of the spinal cord in our human body as told in Agamas. There are totally 32 spiral bones in our spinal cord and even the flag pole has 32 rings. There are many rules mentioned in the Agamas about the installing of this Dwajasthambam.

Whenever we enter any temple, we will first encounter this Dwajastambham.

The Dwajasthamba is believed to carry the power of the God in the temple.The top portion of the flag staff has three horizontal perches or three branches pointing towards the Sanctum. These 3 parts symbolizes or represents the Trimurthis – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
The dwajastambham is normally made by using a single tree or single stone. They are decorated with either gold or silver or bronze or most of the times with panchalokas.
It is said that one should chant only the holy mantras and chant His name while standing in front of the God in Garbhagraha. Our worries and wishes should be told to god only in front of this Dwajasthambam. Lastly after praying to all the gods, men should perform the Ashtanga namaskaram while women should perform the Panchanga namaskaram in front of Dwajasthambam.
There are few scientific reasons behind the structure of Dwajasthambam. Whenever lightning strikes, the metal arrestor (A device used to protect equipment from lightning, electrical storms, etc…), placed at such a highest point of the region, induces the charge to conduct through it. The metal arrestor then conducts the heavy electrical impulse directly to ground, thus preventing the building from getting damaged.
