why Goddess Kamakshi came to Kanchipuram??

When Lord Shiva is meditating Parvati closed his eyes mischievously which resulted in complete darkness on earth. So she was cursed by the Lord shiva & came to earth as Devi Kamakshi and created a Shiva Linga with sand under a mango tree and worshipped the Linga which in result created the Prithvi Lingam in Kanchipuram.
Lord shiva tried to interrupt the penance of Devi Kamakshi by sending the river Ganga to Kanchipuram. To protect the lingam from the flowing river water, Devi hugged the lingam & requested Ganga not to hitch the Shiva lingam made by her with
sand. So that Ganga left without causing any damage to her. Lord Shiva who literally started melting due to her devotion and love appears in his materialized human form called Ekambareshwara and married
Kamakshi. Also this is when Kamakshi accidently left some marks on the lingam as a result of her bangles hitting the sand made lingam which can be seen even today.
The "Sthala Vriksham" or the ancient temple mango tree is more than 3500 years old under which Kamakshi worshipped the Shiv Lingam is still present here and is one of the significant landmarks of the temple. It has four branches and each represents one of the four Vedic texts and yield four different flavors of fruits.
