Why River Ganga Shown From Flowing From Lord Vishnu's Feet ???

Beacuse Ganga originated from the holy feet of Lord Vishnu.

1.Vishnu Purana -
“From that third region of the atmosphere, or seat of Viṣṇu, proceeds the stream that washes away all sin, the river Gaṅgā, embrowned with the unguents of the nymphs of heaven, who have sported in her waters. Having her source in the nail of the great toe of Viṣṇu's left foot, Dhruva receives her, and sustains her day and night devoutly on his head; and thence the seven Ṛṣis practise the exercises of austerity in her waters, wreathing their braided locks with her waves.”
Chapter 8, book 2, Vishnu Purana.

2. Bhagavata Purana -
“Standing there (on the ground, he wanted to measure three feet of land donated to him by Bali. He covered the whole of the earth by his right foot. He raised the left foot to measure the heavenly regions) by his foot-step, the upper crust of the shell of the Cosmic egg got cracked by the nail of the big toe of his left foot. Through that opening, rushed in the stream of waters, covering externally the cosmic egg. While washing the lotus-like feet of the Lord, she (the water of the stream) became reddish by the pollen-like dust (on the Lord’s feet). She washed away the dirt, in the form of the sins of the whole of the world, by her touch, and yet, herself remained pure (unpolluted by sins). She was, at first, designated directly as Bhagavatpadī (Born from the feet of the Lord) to the exclusion of other epithets e.g. Jāhnavī, Bhāgīrathī which may imply any other less important source). After a long period of time measured in thousands of yugas, she descended on the top of ihe celestial regions which the sages call Viṣṇu-pada.”
Chapter 17, Skandha 5, Srimad Bhagavatam.

3. Skanda Purana -
“When the Discus-bearing Lord attempted the third one, O excellent Brāhmaṇas, the whole Cosmic Egg became split up and too small. When the Cosmic Egg became split up by the tip (toe) of the foot, pure water dripped down to the earth, slowly through the tip of the big toe. The sacred water, clear like crystal, flooded the entire Brahmaloka. Its lustre resembled that of a jasmine flower and the moon. Fishes, tortoises and herds of crocodiles abounded therein. Ever since then she is remembered as Ganga, Visnupadi, in the world. She rendered the spot already sacred, still more sacred.”
Chapter 24, Nagara Khanda, Skanda Purana.

4. Devi Bhagavatam -
“The Ganges, Gaṅgā has sprung from the lotus feet of Viṣṇu; Her form is fluid-like; She is eternal. And She is the veritable burning fire to burn away the sins of the sinners.”
Chapter 1, book 9, Devi Bhagavatam
Nārada said :-- “O Lord of the Devas! At present I am desirous to hear the sin-destroying and virtue-bestowing stotra (hymn) of Gaṅgā Devī, the Purifier of all those that are fallen from virtue, originated from the feet of Viṣṇu, the Lord of world and the husband of Lakṣmī.”
Chapter 12, book 9, Devi Bhagavatam.

5. Narada Purana -
“The Ganga should be known as a merit-giving holy river since it has its source from the feet of Visnu, O Brahmana, and the Yamuna is born of the Sun. Hence their confluence is bound to be very auspicious.”
“The goddess (viz. the holy river Ganga) originating from Visnu’s feet and held over the head respectfully by the Lord of the Universe (viz. Siva), deserves to be resorted to by sages and gods. What need be said that it should be resorted to by hapless human beings ?”
Chapter 6, Narada Purana.
