Even God gets Intolerance - God Forgiven his 100 Mistakes but cutoff Head his 101th Mistakes - Lets see why Lord Krishna Forgiven Shishupala for 100 Mistakes and why he is Killed ??

Birth of Shishupala:

Shishupala was born to king of Chedi. He was born with four hands and three eyes. His parents and relatives were scared of him and decided to cast him out. But they were warned by a invisible voice from the heaven…O king, your son will be fortunate and superior in strength, don’t be scared of him indeed cherish him without anxiety.His extra hands and eye will disappear in the lap of the person who will kill him...

Lord shree Krishna takes Shishupala in his lap :
So his parents called all the kings of the world to Chedi and put the child on each of their their laps to see which one would be the slayer. Finally Krishna and Balarama (who were children at the time) came, as they were nephews of the queen of Chedi. (The queen of Chedi was the sister of Krishna’s father Vasudeva). 
As soon as Krishna put Shishupala in his lap, Shishupala’s extra arms fell off and his third eye disappeared indicating Shishupala’s death was destined at the hands of Krishna.
When he grew up, Shishupal wanted to marry Rukmani, who in fact had nurtured her love for Krishna and wanted him as her husband. Shishupal was her brother's friend. As per her wishes, Lord Krishna agreed to marry her, and they eloped on the day she was supposed to marry Shishupal. This enraged Shishupal and Lord Krishna became his enemy thereafter.

Shishupala was earlier Hiranyakashyap :
Shishupala fought with Krishna many times, once when Krishna eloped with Rukmini who was betrothed to him, and defeated the combined armies of Shishupala and Rukmini’s brother Rukmi. Sage Narada reminded Krishna that while he had previously (in the form of Narsingh avatar) killed Hiranyakashyap, the demon has been reborn as Shishupala and must be destroyed again.

Lord shree  Krishna promises to spare him for hundred times :
In the Mahabharata, Shishupala’s mother was given a vow by Krishna, her nephew, that he would pardon his cousin Shishupala a hundred times and he will kill him when he exceeds the limit.

End of Shishupala at Yagya of Yudhishthir
Yudhistira invited Shishupal to his Rajasuya yagna. After the yagna rituals were over, Yudhistira called Krishna to partake the offerings from the yagna.
“As per Bhishma’s advice, I am giving you these offerings as a mark of respect,” Yudhistira said.At this, Shishupal was infuriated.
 “You’re honoring this foolish cowherd who claims to be supreme!” Shishupal roared.
Bhima seethed with anger at this comment and rushed to kill Shishupal, but Krishna held him back. Shishupal kept on calling Krishna names and insulting him. Krishna listened silently.

Why would you listen to this old man. The man who abducted Amba when she wanted to marry someone else!” Shishupal said in fury.
Shishupal kept insulting Krishna and Bhishma. Krishna counted how many times Shishupal insulted him. Soon, Krishna had to kill him. Over the years, Krishna had been counting how many times Shishupal insulted him and this had been the hundredth time. Krishna invoked his Sudarshan Chakra and threw it at Shishupal. Shishupal’s head was instantly cut off.
Moral of story
Tolerance can be explained as will fully accepting a thing which is not liked by the individual. One of the best quality of man is tolerance and to be tolerate also indicate towards a good quality and manner of the individual.
Intolerance is not good for health, mind and for the society. Intolerance invites problems in life, disturbed the mental concentrations, even can be disastrous for every one. Mind and soul are also disturbed finally
